John 16:21 A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.

isn't that wild? Once we have that newborn baby in our arms, we forget everything else. Nothing else matters. We forget all of the pain, discomfort, contractions. Very few joys in life can compete with the one that erupts from your soul as you hold your newborn babe for the very first time. Then you blink and suddenly they are holding their head up, then rolling over, then sitting, and next thing you know you are at their kindergarten graduation crying your eyes out, trying to figure out how it all happened so fast.

The days are so very long but the years are as short as can be. The newborn stage goes by the quickest of all and its all a blur when you look back. Running on no sleep, hormones all over the place, trying to figure out your new normal. Let me give you something to hold on to and look back on. Tangible memories you can cherish for generations. They are only little for so long.

What does it come with?


Each newborn session includes all props, wraps, decor, studio space, client closet access, and a print box which is a decorative box of 4x6 printed images in addition to your online digital gallery of images (size of gallery and box based on session package).

Newborn Sessions can take place in the studio, at your home, or outdoors. They have no set time limit as babies are unpredictable.